• 375
    Attorneys whose practices span the spectrum of legal services
  • 10
    Offices located in Ohio, Washington, D.C., Texas, Pennsylvania, California, London and Berlin
  • 1,000
    Consumer and retail brands represented in the last three years
  • Commitment to
    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    We are a better, stronger firm, and more effective legal and business partners when we recognize the value of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We work each day to create an inclusive, equitable culture in which everyone can feel meaningfully included in the entire firm experience, including enjoying a genuine sense of belonging and equal access to professional opportunities.

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  • Our Approach to
    Generative Artificial Intelligence

    Throughout our firm’s history, we have consistently integrated technology to enhance our legal practice.  In fact, we have received repeated recognition from independent organizations and our clients alike for our innovative approaches.  With the rapid advancement of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), this commitment resonates more strongly now than ever before.

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  • Educational Resources
    for HR Professionals

    The Vorys labor and employment team has developed an educational platform – Vorys at Work – to provide important updates and training for HR professionals and in-house counsel on labor and employment law trends, employee benefits issues, developments, decisions and law changes from across the U.S.  From frequent alerts and blog posts to complimentary webinars and podcast episodes, Vorys at Work provides critical information in a vast array of formats.

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