- Ensuring IPSupports Key Business Goals
Our nationally recognized intellectual property practice provides comprehensive guidance to businesses of all sizes to help those clients create and defend IP assets to support their business goals.
- Nationally RecognizedCounsel to Banks
We represent more than 150 financial institutions across the country and provide services related to nearly all legal and regulatory matters impacting the industry.
- 375Attorneys whose practices span the spectrum of legal services
- 10Offices located in Ohio, Washington, D.C., Texas, Pennsylvania, California, London and Berlin
- 1,000Consumer and retail brands represented in the last three years
- Yearin Review
Over the past year, our firm celebrated victories and accomplishments rooted in our cherished traditions – client-focused service, innovative thinking and dedication to both our communities and our people. These successes reflect not just what Vorys has done but also what Vorys will do, continuing to provide excellent legal service and adapting to our clients’ changing needs.
- Reconnecting withLost Beneficiaries
Vorys has launched a new ancillary business, Pinpoint People, LLC, primarily designed to help fiduciaries of qualified retirement plans find participants and beneficiaries who cannot be located by the plan. Qualified retirement plans have a fiduciary obligation to keep track of these individuals under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).
- 122"Best Law Firms"2025 Rankings
Vorys was named a Best Law Firm nationally in 21 practice areas and in 101 metropolitan–based practices areas across seven of the firm’s offices. According to Best Lawyers, achieving a tiered ranking signals a unique combination of quality law practice and breadth of legal expertise.