Our environmental practice offers broad state, regional and national experience to large corporations, small businesses, real estate development interests and local governments.  We provide a full range of legal services in the environmental area, including representation in regulatory affairs, permitting, compliance with federal and state law (and related enforcement actions), commercial and corporate transactions, legislative initiatives and litigation. 

Our attorneys have long-term working relationships with both federal and state regulatory and enforcement officials and have participated in the development of many aspects of various environmental regulatory programs.  Our deep experience enables us to provide invaluable insight to clients and develop innovative solutions to complex environmental problems.

National Recognition

Our environmental team’s work has earned it a long-standing recognition as a “Leading Law Firm” in Ohio for “Environment” in the Chambers USA guide. A number of Vorys attorneys are also recognized as “leading practitioners” in this area.

 In recent editions, Chambers and Partners notes Vorys' experience in representing "a wide range of environmental matters for major clients, both local and national."  Chambers also indicates that Vorys "is always extremely knowledgeable, efficient and on top of the details for the project." A client described Vorys to Chambers as “essentially an extension of our company."

Vorys has also earned recognition for years at both the national level and in Ohio for “Environmental Law” and Environmental Litigation in the Best Lawyers®Best Law Firms” report.

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