Our attorneys understand the complex laws governing copyrights and have the experience and business insight to help our clients.  No matter the situation, we strive to untangle the issues and assist our clients to protect – to the fullest extent – their copyrightable assets and counsel clients so that they may avoid infringement of copyrights held by others. 

Our copyright clients range from artists, authors, musicians and software developers to libraries, publishing houses, Fortune 500 companies and financial institutions.  Our experience covers a spectrum of works including: 

  • Logos and product packaging
  • Software and database compilations
  • Computer graphics
  • Music and other audio recordings
  • Video productions, such as films, online videos, motion pictures and television
  • Architectural designs
  • Publications, such as books and magazines
  • Sculptures and other works of art
  • Fashion and fabric designs
  • Mask works (semiconductor chips)
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
  • Blockchain
  • Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Rights
  • Social media influencers

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