Vorys has a long-standing history of representing national restaurant chains, mom-and-pop eateries and other food services companies across the country.  Our multidisciplinary industry team provides comprehensive service and pragmatic counsel to food and beverage companies in business, legal and regulatory matters.

Who We Repres­­ent

Vorys has decades-long relationships as counsel to some of the largest restaurant chains in the United States, as well as single-location restaurants across the country.

Our food and beverage clients also include:

  • Food service companies
  • Franchisors and franchisees
  • Food and beverage manufacturers
  • Grocery retail stores
  • Beer and wine associations

Our 360-Degree Approach

We take pride in understanding the restaurant, food and beverage industry as well as our clients do.  Our attorneys leverage their interdisciplinary industry knowledge to work seamlessly across practices and advise clients on an array of business and legal issues facing food and beverage companies today.  We diligently stay abreast of emerging trends and developments to help our clients comply with increasingly complex federal and state laws and regulations while achieving their business objectives.

What We Do

We advise restaurant, food and beverage clients on some of their most sensitive and high-stakes legal and business matters – from complying with complex international sourcing and customs requirements, to addressing unprecedented expense reductions, restaurant closures and supply chain challenges, to defending against contract and trademark disputes.

Vorys has particularly deep experience representing food and beverage clients in labor and employment litigation, real estate and liquor licensing matters, and the whole gamut of franchise law matters.

  • Advising and providing training on the spectrum of labor and employment policies, procedures and compliance considerations
  • Representing clients in national and multi-state FLSA and state wage and hour class and collective actions, including many involving tipped employees.
  • Helping clients renegotiate hundreds of lease agreements amid the COVID-19 pandemic shut downs and the subsequent re-openings
  • Defending a nationwide grocery store chain in multi-state consumer class actions, regulatory inquiries, and other matters arising out of data security incidents
  • Helping restaurant clients adapt to new food to-go and carry out business trends
  • Helping hundreds of restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, and a range of other venues acquire liquor permits ­­­­

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