We have a core group of attorneys who focus specifically on economic development incentives.  In fact, Vorys has one of the largest state and local economic development incentives practices based in a law firm.

Our work spans the nation, having consulted on incentives deals in more than 30 states, for companies of all sizes.  Some of the largest, fastest-growing companies in the U.S. count on our firm to advise them throughout the country on site-selection and incentives matters, while we also regularly advise businesses and governments that are using incentives for the first time. 

Depending on the needs of a particular economic development project, we call upon our attorneys with extensive experience in public finance, real estate, local government, environmental law, zoning and land use law, state and local tax, federal tax and executive agency and legislative lobbying.

We regularly design cutting-edge economic development incentives structures and influence state and local policies.  Our processes and approach have proven to be effective on a wide variety of complex projects across industries and project types.

Our clients include developers, expanding businesses and political subdivisions, each of which has specialized needs in the area of economic development incentives.  Our professionals have the experience and capability to respond to these specialized needs to create solutions for all types and sizes of clients.

  • 10th Annual
    Economic Development Incentives Conference

    Each year, the Vorys Economic Development Incentives Conference features panel discussions and guest speakers from around the country.  Sessions are focused on trends and best practices regarding economic development incentives for developers, companies and community leaders.  This year, the conference, which is co-presented by Vista Site Selection, will take place on Friday, February 21.

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Why Vorys

  • We have seen a recent trend among large companies with sophisticated economic development teams moving toward utilizing lawyers who do economic development incentives work on a full-time basis, rather than in-house lawyers, public finance lawyers, real estate lawyers, or other lawyers who do economic development incentives work on a part-time basis.  Companies that use incentives regularly have learned from experience that incentives lawyers who do that work on a daily basis provide greater value and efficiency than those who only moonlight in incentives work.    
  • Our experience allows us to transfer what we learn from one state to another.  For example, we regularly find ourselves working with state and local governments to revise their form agreements to address items the state or local government has not considered.
  • Our work is client-driven.  When negotiating incentives agreements, we put a strong emphasis on enhancing our client’s ability to maximize the value of an incentive while protecting the company against risk. 

Who We Represent

  • Subscribe to
    Development Incentives Quarterly

    We created Development Incentives Quarterly to update subscribers on the changing landscape of economic development incentives, including tax credit changes and other opportunities.  Our economic development incentives clients include developers, political subdivisions and growing businesses from across the country, so the newsletter includes information from a variety of perspectives.

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  • Client

    Our firm has developed one of the largest multi-state economic development incentives practices based in a U.S. law firm.  We’ve grown this practice by doing right by our clients.  See what our clients have to say about how we’ve helped them secure and use incentives.

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