Who We Represent

We provide comprehensive legal counsel to manufacturers of an array of consumer products and goods, from apparel to automobiles to chemicals to pharmaceuticals.

Our clients include:

  • more than 600 middle-market and global consumer brands
  • major automotive manufacturers and suppliers
  • global leaders in industrial metals manufacturing

Our 360-Degree Approach 

No matter their size or sector, manufacturers share common challenges: global competition, international sourcing customs requirements and supply chain issues, cost containment, labor relations, workplace safety, intellectual property infringements and product liability claims, among others.  We understand manufacturers also may face industry-specific hurdles, such as environmental and regulatory issues that require tailored experience to navigate those obstacles.  

Our ranks include dozens of attorneys who have worked inside legal departments and understand the full spectrum of issues surrounding the life cycle of product development, manufacturing and brand protection.  We work as a team across practices and offices to keep abreast of changes in the law and developing trends impacting various industries, and we provide practical counsel and innovative solutions to arm our clients with the tools they need to thrive in the manufacturing business.

What We Do

We represent manufacturers in the gamut of legal and regulatory matters, from negotiating multibillion-dollar investments in the construction of factories to serving as national counsel in bet-the-company and product liability class action litigation, and developing strategies to overcome evolving regulatory hurdles.  

Our key service areas include:

  • corporate and business operations
  • employment, labor relations and immigration
  • economic development incentives
  • intellectual property
  • taxation
  • workplace safety

Innovative Business Solutions 

Our comprehensive legal services are augmented by innovative, integrated solutions that help manufacturers and brands control the sales of their products in the age of e-commerce.  Vorys eControl represents hundreds of companies in preserving their online brand value by addressing unauthorized seller issues.

Honored with the College of Law Practice Management’s 2017 Innovation Award, Vorys eControl provides online seller enforcement services comprising novel legal tactics, cyber investigator capabilities, and technology to identify and remove unauthorized online products and pursue the sources to stop them from returning to the marketplace.

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