Beyond Legal

We’ve been thinking creatively about how to best serve our clients since our founding in 1909. As such, our lawyers and professional staff are consistently evaluating the services that we provide to our clients and developing innovative and creative ways to advance our clients' legal and business goals. We know that many times this means assisting our clients in ways that extend beyond the traditional practice of law.

We have numerous in-house professionals who work hand-in-hand with both our attorneys and our clients to identify and implement client-focused solutions that extend beyond legal services.  By going beyond legal, we provide our clients access to additional business consulting across a variety of disciplines, including government relations, strategic communications, data strategy and project management.  Learn more about our services below.

  • Reconnecting with
    Lost Beneficiaries

    Vorys has launched a new ancillary business, Pinpoint People, LLC, primarily designed to help fiduciaries of qualified retirement plans find participants and beneficiaries who cannot be located by the plan. Qualified retirement plans have a fiduciary obligation to keep track of these individuals under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

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  • Vorys Launches
    Site Selection and Incentives Business

    Vorys has launched a new business, Vista Site Selection, LLC, dedicated to helping companies select the most advantageous and economically viable real estate sites on which to expand existing operations or develop future locations.  The multidisciplinary team works seamlessly as a one-stop shop to provide comprehensive and customized client service.

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  • Data Analytics
    Designed to Help Brands Take Control

    The firm has launched an ancillary business, Precision eControl, which will further assist companies in their ability to take control of their online and brick-and-mortar channels. The Precision eControl platform, a dedicated software-as-a-service business, helps brands identify activity disrupting their business, focus efforts where they will have the greatest impact, and execute precise actions that provide measurable business outcomes.

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  • Experienced
    Government Relations Professionals

    Vorys Advisors, an ancillary business of the firm, provides government relations and strategic counsel to Ohio businesses and a wide variety of other professionals in manufacturing, health care, energy, real estate, venture capital, technology and other industries.

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