Our counseling in this area is multifaceted including assisting with the acquisition of liquor permits, assessing the permit needs to potential tenants, evaluating the availability of permits, and assisting with multi-state transactions involving permit transfer issues.  More specifically, we assist clients in acquiring permits for restaurants, hotels, shopping centers, resorts, grocery stores and a range of other venues.  We also provide legal guidance to developers and landlords in assessing the liquor permit needs of their potential tenants.  Our lawyers have experience in evaluating the availability of liquor permits under the population quotas for cities and townships across Ohio and in resolving local option election (wet/dry) issues.  We also are experienced in establishing Community Entertainment Districts for urban commercial developments.

Our lawyers represent clients in multi-state transactions involving liquor permit transfer issues, and have solid working relationships with other counsel practicing in this area in locations across the country.  In addition, we help industry clients to monitor and analyze legislation pending before the Ohio General Assembly, and we counsel clients on liquor liability, advertising and marketing issues.  Our lawyers assist charitable and non-profit organizations that want to hold fundraisers at which alcoholic beverages are sold under temporary permits and/or which feature charitable gambling activities.  We also represent clients in violation cases before the Liquor Control Commission and frequently advise clients on regulatory matters before the Division of Liquor Control.

  • Experienced
    Government Relations Professionals

    Vorys Advisors, an ancillary business of the firm, provides government relations and strategic counsel to Ohio businesses and a wide variety of other professionals in manufacturing, health care, energy, real estate, venture capital, technology and other industries.

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