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Stratton Featured in Toledo Blade Story on the Northwest Ohio Justice-Involved Veteran Summit

Evelyn Lundberg Stratton, of counsel in the Vorys Columbus office who prior to joining Vorys served as justice on the Supreme Court of Ohio for 16 years, was featured in a Toledo Blade story titled “UT Summit-Goers Laud Veterans Court.”  The story outlined the remarks at the Northwest Ohio Justice-Involved Veteran Summit and the impact that veterans courts can have on a community.

The story states:

“‘Most of the veterans that enter the criminal justice system had no criminal record before they went overseas,” retired Ohio Supreme Court Justice Evelyn Lundberg Stratton, who gave the keynote address, said before the summit. ‘They come back traumatized.’

Justice Stratton, who comes from a military family, said she first learned about veterans courts through her work with mental health and drug courts, which operate in a similar manner.

‘It made me realize they need to have a different kind of treatment that gets to the root,’ she said. ‘They don’t want to seek treatment, they self-medicate, they have flashbacks, they can’t deal with the reality of civilian life. I think because they received these damages defending our country, we have a special obligation to help them.’”

To read the entire story, visit the Toledo Blade website.

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