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Stratton Profiled in Hannah Report Story Titled “Stratton Optimistic about State Initiatives in Mental Health, Criminal Justice, Police Relations”

Eve Stratton, of counsel in the Vorys Columbus office who prior to joining Vorys served as justice on the Supreme Court of Ohio for 16 years, was profiled in a Hannah Report story.  The story focused on her push for veterans’ courts and mental health reforms in the justice systems.

The story states:

Lundberg, now of counsel for Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease when she’s not crisscrossing the state and nation on the subject of specialized dockets and mental health justice, left the Supreme Court of Ohio in 2012 after a 16-year career and eight previous years on the Franklin County Common Pleas Court, where she saw many veterans and other individuals battling substance abuse and mental illness. After moving to the Supreme Court in 1996, she turned her attention to specialty dockets, which among other subject areas address mental health, substance abuse and veterans’ issues.

‘When I started, there were two in Ohio and six in the country. Now there are hundreds,’ she says, noting the 280 dockets now operating in this state alone. ‘Ohio has the largest number of specialty dockets per capita in the U.S.’”

Eight years ago, her interest gained greater focus on the range of concerns affecting veterans, including homelessness, substance abuse, mental health, and the criminal behaviors that can result. Stratton heard a speech on veterans’ legal issues in Washington, D.C. and returned home with an expanded vision.

‘When I first got back to Ohio, judges weren’t even asking whether you were a veteran,’ she says, noting that economic, personal and legal problems affecting former members of the military are now dealt with by a variety of specialized dockets in the state.”

To read the entire story, visit the Hannah Report website. (Subscription may be required).

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