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Stratton Quoted in The Blade Article Titled "Governor Signs Bill to Prioritize Patients for Psychiatric Beds"

Eve Stratton, of counsel in the Vorys Columbus office, was quoted in an article for the Toledo Blade titled "Governor Signs Bill to Prioritize Patients for Psychiatric Beds." The article discusses a law signed by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine which prioritizes beds in Ohio's six regional psychiatric hospitals for those most in need of mental-health treatment.

The article states:

"Former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Eve Stratton noted that she tried to work on the issue from the bench, but ran into many complications involving the criminal and civil justice systems and privacy issues.

Now it's a matter of implementation.

'Phase one really dealt more with the legal issues, legal barriers, and giving judges options for outpatient treatment,” she said. “But we also put in a caveat that you didn't have to take them out of a hospital and put them in the community when you have criminal charges pending, they're incompetent, and you have no place to put them, no treatment, and no housing.'

The bill will add Ohio to the Psychological Interjurisdictional Compact that would expand use of telepsychology by allowing psychologists with unrestricted licenses to practice across state lines. There are currently 15 member states, including neighboring Pennsylvania. Kentucky and West Virginia will join the compact in June and July, respectively."

To read the full article, click here.

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