Our Cincinnati office is located in the heart of downtown Cincinnati, two blocks away from the Ohio River and the homes of the Cincinnati Reds and Cincinnati Bengals and one block from the federal courthouse.  Since the office was opened in 1984, it has grown to more than 75 attorneys as well as many paralegals and project assistants.  The lawyers in our Cincinnati office practice in a wide range of areas, including litigation, corporate law, financial institutions, labor and employment, commercial law, construction, and environmental law. 

The lawyers in our Cincinnati office are active in local bar associations, including the Cincinnati Bar Association and the Cincinnati Black Lawyers Association, and also participate in a broad range of local community and charitable groups, including Volunteer Lawyers for the Poor, the United Way of Greater Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Black Ambassadors, Downtown Cincinnati, Inc., the Queen City Foundation, StarShine Hospice, the Cincinnati Ballet, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and the Children’s Medical Center hospice.

Office Directions

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Office Contact

Sara Nguyen

Contact Information

301 East Fourth Street
Suite 3500
Great American Tower
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
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