- Authored articleSpring 2018Bank Directors and the Wells Fargo Order
- Authored articleSpring 2018Conducting Harassment Investigations with Outside Counsel
- Authored articleSpring 2018Acquisitions of Banks by Credit Unions
- Authored articleSpring 2018Lender Risk Calculus Changes in Financing Leveraged Transactions
- Authored articleThe Perils of Relying Solely on Beneficiary Designations to Transfer Assets
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: EEOC Files Seven Sexual Harassment Lawsuits in One Week
- Authored articleJune 2018Avoiding Traps in Termination and Common Separation Pitfalls
- Authored articleDeeds of Trust and Statutory Liens
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: FLSA Case Highlights the Importance of Wage-Hour Laws
- Client alertClient Alert: USPTO Rejects Patent Applications with Incorrect Inventorship
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: South Carolina Enacts the Pregnancy Accommodations Act
- Authored articleHow to Prepare and Protect Your Office From an Active Shooter
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: California Court of Appeal Redefines Wage Statement Penalties
- Authored articleMay/June 2018Follow The Money: Must Decedent Or Co-Maker Pay The Estate Debt? Or: Is there an Accommodation Party In The House?
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Michigan Civil Rights Commission Decides That State Law Prohibits Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Supreme Court Upholds Arbitration Waivers Barring Class Actions
- Client alertOil and Gas Alert: U.S. EPA Releases Draft New Owner Clean Air Act Audit Program for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production Facilities
- Authored articleTime Is Running Out to File Appeals in More Than 15 States
- Authored articleMultistate Review of Property Tax Decisions and Developments
- Client alertClient Alert: Inter Partes Review is Changing but Questions Remain
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Mental Health Parity: Get Ready to Prove It
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New Jersey Enacts Statewide Paid Sick Leave Law
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Never Mind: IRS Backtracks on $50 Reduction of 2018 HSA Contribution Limit
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Washington Becomes The 11th State To Ban-The-Box
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio Qualified Opportunity Zones Announced
- Authored articleCharities Must Consider UBIT Consequences of Creative Fundraising
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New York Enacts Sweeping Sexual Harassment Legislation
- Authored articleCarried Interests and Investment Management Fees: Certain Tax Reform Changes for Fund Managers
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Sixth Circuit Holds That Title VII Protects Transgendered Status
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Ninth Circuit Holds That Prior Salary Cannot Justify Unequal Pay
- Client alertClient Alert: Carried Interests and Investment Management Fees: Certain Tax Reform Changes for Fund Managers
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: West Virginia Now Permits Employees to Keep Guns in Their Cars at Work
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New Jersey Enacts a Sweeping Equal Pay Law
- Client alertOil and Gas Alert: Pennsylvania Appellate Court Rejects Rule of Capture for Hydraulic Fracturing
- Client alertClient Alert: Ethical Considerations in Outsourcing Patent-Related Tasks
- Authored articleIntelligently Managing Company Patent Spend
- Client alertClient Alert: Supreme Court Cert Denial Leaves Confusion in Determining Standing in Class Action Data Breach Cases
- Client alertClient Alert: New PUCO Online System for Annual Reporting
- Authored articleQ&A: Chris Chung, CEO, North Carolina Economic Development Partnership
- Authored articleSpring 2018Strategies for Successfully Obtaining New Market Tax Credit Financing
- Authored articleSpring 2018Vorys Hosts 2018 Economic Development Incentives Conference
- Authored articleDevelopment Incentives Quarterly: Spring 2018
- Client alertClient Alert: D.C. Circuit Narrows FCC’s Broad 2015 TCPA Order
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio General Assembly Expands the Ohio Department of Taxation’s Authority in Connection with Liquor License Renewals and Transfers
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: California Supreme Court Changes Overtime Calculation and Gives a Huge Bonus To Employees
- Client alertClient Alert: Not So Fast: Factual Questions Preclude Early Resolution of Patent Invalidity Contentions
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Department of Labor Encourages Employers to Self-Report Their Wage-Hour Violations
- Client alertClient Alert: FTC Reaches Settlement with Paypal over Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and FTC Act Violations
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: $50 reduction of 2018 Limit on HSA Contributions for Family HDHP Coverage
- Authored articleTime Is Running Out to File Appeals in Ohio and Other Jurisdictions