- Client alertImmigration Alert: Time to Prepare for April 1 H-1B Filings (2013)
- Client alertClient Alert: U.S. District Court Dismisses $10 Million FCA Suit
- Authored articleThe “Short Cut” To The Stabilization of the Underwater Housing Market: How the New FHFA Short Sale Guidelines Promote Economic Efficiency
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Employee Cost Sharing for Health Benefits and other Employee Benefits News
- Client alertOhio Tax Reform: Focus on Sales and Use Tax, Oil and Gas Businesses
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Department of Labor Issues Final Rule Implementing Amendments to the Family and Medical Leave Act
- Client alertClient Alert: Oil and Gas Tax Provisions Contained in the "As Introduced" Version of House Bill 59
- Client alertState and Local Tax Alert: Ohio Tax Reform Bill Introduced - House Bill No. 59
- Authored articleBill would clarify that courts can help deal with mentally ill
- Client alertClient Alert: Estate Planning Certainty
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio EPA Proposes Rule Revisions to Its Stage II Vapor Control Requirements for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities
- Authored articleJan/Feb 2013The Economy and Bumps in the Road
- Authored articleWinter 2013Disclosing Compensation Consultant Conflicts
- Authored articleWinter 2013Complying with New Compensation Committee and Compensation Adviser Independence Standards
- Authored articleAnti-Password Legislation Could Have Mixed Results
- Authored article2012 Ohio Valuation Complaints Can Now be Filed;
Contact Us for Your Complimentary Review - Authored articleBTA Reform Advocated by Ohio State Bar Association
- Client alertOhio Supreme Court and Legislative Update
- Authored articleOhio Board of Tax Appeals Decisions
- Authored articleThe Evaluator - Winter 2013
- Client alertClient Alert: The New Ohio Financial Institutions Tax
- Authored articleWinter 2013Flash Cookies Litigation: The Next Wave or a “Flash” in the Pan?
- Client alertClient Alert: Trial Victory for PNC Bank Provides Important Guidance for Ohio Trustees
- Client alertVorys Launches Oil and Gas Newsletter
- Client alertClient Alert: CFPB's Qualified Mortgage Rules
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: ICF/IID Providers Given Short Timeframe in Which to Appeal DODD’s State-Wide Assessments
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Correcting Retirement Plan Defects and Other Employee Benefits News
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: HHS Previews Long-Awaited Final Omnibus HIPAA Rule
- Client alertClient Alert: Navigating the Transition from a First-to-Invent to a First-to-File Patent System: Implementation March 16, 2013
- Client alertClient Alert: The Federal Agency Mortgage Settlements
- Client alertOhio Statehouse Update: Top Ten Tax Topics to Watch for in 2013
- Authored articleCurrent Issues in Loan Participation
- Authored articleWinter 2013Basel III - Capital Planning for Financial Institutions
- Authored articleWinter 2013Online Banking Security Procedures for Commercial Customers
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Employers Must Now Update the Fair Credit Reporting Act Notices Used in Their Background Check Programs
- Authored articleTexas Could Lead the Nanotech Revolution
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Roadmap to Health Care Reform Pay-or-Play Penalties
- Client alertClient Alert: BSA/AML Enforcement; Bankers Beware
- Client alertClient Alert: Professional Liability and the FDIC; The IndyMac Decision
- Client alertClient Alert: New Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program
- Client alertClient Alert: Gov. Kasich Signs H.B. 380
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Minimum Wages for 2013
- Client alertOhio Statehouse Update: 129th General Assembly Wraps Up Legislative Session
- Client alertState and Local Tax Alert: Vorys Wins Ohio Tax Case for Clients, Ohio Supreme Court Issues Decision in Beaver Excavating Co. v. Testa, $140 Million in Annual Gross Receipts Tax Proceeds Derived From Sales of Motor Vehicle Fuel Must be Spent
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio Legislation to Increase Transparency Between Asbestos Trust Claims and Lawsuits
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Michigan Enacts Right to Work Law
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio Supreme Court Decision on Civil Penalties for Air Permit Violations
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Health Plans Must Pay Reinsurance Fees and Other Employee Benefits News
- Client alertClient Alert: Five Minutes That May Save Your Text Message Program Millions
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Ohio Supreme Court Decides Intentional Tort Cases In Favor of Ohio Employers