- Client alertClient Alert: Issuance of Rules for the InvestOhio Program
- Authored articleNov/Dec 2011Crude Awakening
- Authored articleNovember/December 2011Environmental Enforcement: Defendants Liable Until Proven Otherwise?
- Client alertNonprofit Hospitals' Tax-Exempt Status Again in Spotlight
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: CMS Releases Interim Final Rule for ACO Fraud & Abuse Waiver Provisions
- Authored articleNovember 2011Creditor Claims at Death and Nonprobate Assets: Never the Two Shall Meet?
- Client alertClient Alert: DOJ and FTC Release Antitrust Policy for ACOs
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: CMS Releases ACO Final Rule
- Authored articleFall 2011Learning How to Be a Lawyer
- Client alertSecurities Alert: Rule 14a-8 Amendments Permitting Shareholder Proxy Access Proposals are Now Effective
- Authored article“E-Check” Tests Vehicle Emissions in Ohio
- Client alertClient Alert: Trademark Owners: Block Your Trademarks in the New .XXX Domain
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio Consumer Use Tax Update: Period Open to Assessment Disputed Under New Law
- Client alertClient Alert: Take the First Step to Manage Your Ohio Real Property Taxes
- Client alertClient Alert: USEPA Announces New Source Performance Standards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Oil and Gas Industry
- Authored article2011"Understanding and Using Financial Statements to Prepare Your Case," Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop Materials, American Bankruptcy Institute, August 2011
- Client alertIntellectual Property Alert: What Trademark Owners Need to Know About ICANN's New gTLD Program
- Client alertSecurities Alert: D.C. Circuit Court Vacates Proxy Access Rule
- Client alertClient Alert: Economic Development Incentives Changes in Am. Sub. H.B. 153
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio EPA Requests Comments on Draft General Permit
- Client alertOhio Statehouse Update: Governor Signs Budget Into Law
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio Public Records Laws - New Caps to Damages and Defense to Damage Claims
- Authored articlePrivate Settlement Agreements or Proposed Decanting Statutes: Which Will Be the Better Fit?
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio’s Tax Amnesty Programs Offer Rare Tax Savings Opportunity
- Client alertClient Alert: Loyalty Program Discounts Clarified for Retail Vendors in Ohio
- Client alertClient Alert: InvestOhio Program to Provide Tax Incentives for Investing in Ohio Small Businesses
- Client alertClient Alert: HHS Issues Proposed Rule on HIPAA Privacy Rule Accounting Requirements
- Client alertOhio Statehouse Update - Senate Passes Budget Bill
- Client alertOhio Statehouse Update - Senate Finance Committee Accepts Substitute Version of the Budget Bill
- Client alertSecurities Alert: SEC Adopts Final Whistleblower Rules Under the Dodd-Frank Act
- Authored article"Producing ESI: Taking the Pain out of Productions"
- Client alertClient Alert: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - On the Horizon for Federal and State Watchdogs
- Authored articleExtradition: The New Sword or the Mouse that Roared?
- Client alertClient Alert: Loan Originator Compensation and Anti-Steering Rules Take Effect
- Client alertClient Alert: Public-Private Partnerships In Transportation Projects
- Client alertClient Alert: Proposed Accountable Care Organization Regulation Published
- Client alertClient Alert: Supreme Court of Ohio to Decide Whether Homebuilders Can Provide Express Written Warranty in Lieu of Implied Warranty of Good Workmanship
- Client alertSecurities Alert: SEC Proposes Compensation Committee and Consultant Independence Rules
- Authored articleApril 2011Extradition: The New Sword or the Mouse that Roared?
- Authored article"Final Rule Update: New Enrollment and Payment Suspension Rules Affect All Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP Providers and Suppliers"
- Client alertClient Alert: Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Restores Truck Safety Exemptions Affecting Private Motor Carriers
- Client alertOhio Statehouse Update - Governor Kasich's Budget Proposal
- Client alertOhio Statehouse Update - Governor's State of the State Address
- Authored article"Adapting Data Security To Cross-Channel Marketing"
- Authored articleMarch 2011District Court Overturns the TOUSA Fraudulent Transfer Ruling
- Authored articleMarch 2011Lawmakers Indecisive on School Bus Seat Belts
- Authored articleMarch/April 2011The Laches Defense in Fiduciary Litigation
- Authored articleMarch 2011Sixth Circuit Holds that Kentucky Follow the 'At the Well' Rule
- Client alertClient Alert: JobsOhio and Other Recent Economic Development Updates
- Client alertClient Alert: Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Changes Truck Safety Regulations Affecting Private Motor Carriers