- Client alertNew USPTO Guidance on AI-Assisted Inventions and Pleadings
- Client alertOSHA Issues New Process Safety Management Directive
- Client alertLong-Awaited Updates to 42 C.F.R. Part 2 Finalized
- Client alertMinnesota Law Prohibits Employers from Inquiring into Applicants’ Pay History
- Client alert10 Mistakes to Avoid When Engaging in Endorsement, Collaboration, and Influencer Marketing Activities
- Client alertUSEPA Finalizes More Stringent PM2.5 NAAQS
- Client alertProposed PFAS Clean-Up Rules Announced by USEPA
- Client alertUSCIS Announces Registration Period for FY2025 H-1B Visa Lottery
- Client alertEx Parte Appeals - Takeaways from the USPTO Roadshow in Austin
- Authored articleOhio Supreme Court: Brief Summary of AWMS Water Solutions, LLC v. Mertz
- Authored articleWinter 2024The Evaluator Winter 2024: Valuation Analyses
- Authored articleWinter 2024The Evaluator Winter 2024: Upcoming Valuation Deadlines Across the U.S.
- Authored articleWinter 2024The Evaluator Winter 2024
- Client alertCalifornia Supreme Court Limits Employers’ Defenses Against PAGA Claims
- Authored articleSupreme Court Leaves Undisturbed Landmark Decision in Brand Control Against Unauthorized Resellers
- Client alertStateside Visa Renewal Pilot to Begin in January 2024
- Client alertUrgent Reminder About Gag Clause Attestations and Electronic Filing Requirements
- Client alertChicago Requires Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave Law for Employees
- Authored articleOhio’s Seventh District Finds No Proper Root of Title and Addresses Who May File a Claim to Preserve
- Client alertThe POWR Act Significantly Changes Colorado Discrimination Law
- Authored articleForewarned Is Forearmed: The Importance of Understanding Labor Issues in Making the Location Decision
- Authored articleFall 2023Q&A with VanTrust’s Andy Weeks
- Authored articleFall 2023Extensions and Employment Standard Changes: Understanding Updates to Ohio’s Qualified Energy Project Tax Exemption
- Fall 2023Development Incentives Quarterly: Fall 2023
- Authored articleDispatch Editorial: DYS Director Criticized in Editorial Making “Amazing Progress.” She Shouldn't Be Fired
- Horizontal Agreements the New UK and EU Regimes
- Client alertApplications Open December 5, 2023 for Ohio Brownfield Remediation Program
- Client alertIRS Announces Increased Gift Tax Annual Exclusion And Gift, Estate, And GST Tax Exemption For 2024
- Client alertCalifornia’s New Delete Act Expands Cyber Security Protections for Consumers
- Authored articleFall 2023The Bankers' Statement - Fall 2023
- Authored articlePreparing Bank Customer Service For New CFPB Scrutiny
- Client alertCalifornia Requires Employers to Provide Leave for Reproductive Loss
- Client alertO-HI(gh)-O: The Buckeye State Legalizes Adult Use Cannabis
- Client alertNotice to Ohio Air Permittees: Ohio EPA Considering Increase to Air Permit Fees
- Client alertUSEPA’s Final PFAS TRI Rule Eliminates Reduced PFAS Reporting Options
- Authored articleFall 2023Securing Cash in Deposit Accounts: Common Pitfalls and Best Practices
- Authored articleFall 2023CFPB Roundup
- Authored articleFall 2023Two New Waves of Privacy Class Actions May Affect Financial Institutions
- Authored articleFall 2023An Overview of the CFPB’s Small Business Lending Collection and Reporting Rule
- Authored articleFall 2023U.S. Supreme Court’s Section 363(m) Holding Provides Negotiating Leverage to Purchasers and Parties in Interest in Bankruptcy Sales
- California Expands its Ban on Noncompetes
- Client alertCalifornia’s Landmark Climate Disclosure Laws; What Companies Need to Know
- Client alertNew York Restricts Employer Access to Employee and Applicant Social Media Accounts
- Client alertApplications Open October 31, 2023 for Ohio Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program
- Client alertCalifornia Employers Must Develop Workplace Violence Prevention Plans
- Client alertCFPB Issues Advisory Opinion for Large Bank Consumer Information Requests
- Client alertUSEPA’s Final PFAS Reporting Rule Requires 12-Year Lookback for PFAS Manufacturers and Importers
- Federal Tax Bulletin: Avoiding Tax Traps in Structuring M&A Earnouts
- Client alertOhio Local Governments Have New Opportunities to Extend Certain TIF Exemptions
- Authored articleSummer 2023The Precedent: Vol. 001