- Authored articleMultistate Review of Property Tax Decisions
- Client alertClient Alert: Employment Agreements must ‘Presently’ Assign IP Rights
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New Ban-The-Box Laws Take Effect in June
- Client alertClient Alert: It’s That Maddening Time of Year Again: March
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Second Circuit Holds That Title VII Protects Sexual Orientation
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Austin, Texas, Adopts a Paid Sick Leave Law Covering All Employers
- Authored articleTips For Reassessing Company Patent Strategies
- Authored articleWinter 2018Be Proactive: Managing UDAP and UDAAP Risks
- Authored articleWinter 2018The Challenges of CSI in M&A
- Authored articleWinter 2018Deposit Account Control Agreements
- Client alertClient Alert: Additional Guidance Available Regarding Selection of “Qualified Opportunity Zones” Ahead of Imminent Deadline
- Client alertClient Alert: IPR Institution Decisions are not (Entirely) Immune from Appeal
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: Spending Bill Dramatically Increases Penalties for Health Care Fraud and Abuse
- Client alertClient Alert: New Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone Program
- Client alertClient Alert: Can Post-Filing Evidence be used to Invalidate a Patent?
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New York’s Highest Court Rules that Pre-Certification Settlements Require Class Notice
- Client alertState and Local Tax: City of Columbus Tax Incentives Are No Longer Available If You File Your Columbus Net Profits Tax Return with the Ohio Department of Taxation
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: California Law Regulates Employers’ Responses to Federal Immigration Inspections
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Vermont Legalizes Recreational Marijuana
- Client alertWhistleblower Defense Alert: DOJ Policy Regarding Dismissal of FCA Lawsuits
- Authored articleHappy New Year – It’s Time to Review Your Estate Plan
- Client alertClient Alert: U.S. EPA Withdraws ‘Once In, Always In’ Policy
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: PBGC Missing Participant Program – It’s Not Just For Defined Benefit Plans Anymore
- Authored articleIRS Proposes Significant Changes to Donor-Advised Funds
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Illinois Appeals Court Holds That the Biometric Information Privacy Act Requires Actual Injury
- Authored articleWinter 2018Time to File Ohio 2017 Real Property Tax Complaints
- Authored articleWinter 2018Ohio Supreme Court Decisions & Developments
- Authored articleWinter 2018Ohio Legislative Developments-Conveyance Tax Exemptions Focus of Coming Legislation
- Client alertClient Alert: End of Year Roundup: Ohio Courts Provide Important Practice Pointers for Trust and Estate Professionals and Practitioners
- Client alertImmigration Alert: Be Prepared for the H-1B Filing Season
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Department of Labor Adopts a New Test for Unpaid Interns
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Maryland’s New Sick Leave Law Affects All Employers
- Client alertImmigration Alert: ICE Increases Workplace Enforcement
- Authored articleVorys Joins World’s Largest Family Office Network
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: No More Tax Deduction for Certain Sexual Harassment Settlement Payments
- Client alertImmigration Alert: Changes Affecting Employment-Based Immigration
- Client alertWhistleblower Defense Alert: Florida Court Overturns $350 Million Judgment on Escobar
- Authored articleFour Steps to Stop Unauthorized Online Sales of Your Products
- Client alertClient Alert: Companies Can Be Liable for Direct Infringement Through Other’s Actions
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New Rule Designed To Improve Outcomes Following Low Back Injuries Effective on January 1, 2018
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: DOL Green-Lights Disability Claims Regulations
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Impact of Tax Reform on Employers
- Authored articleConducting Harassment Investigations With Outside Counsel (Law360)
- Client alertClient Alert: 20% Deduction for Qualified Business Income of Individuals
- Client alertFinancial Services Alert: Key Updates: Financial Institutions, Websites and the Application of the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Client alertClient Alert: The Impact of Coming Changes in European Union Patent Litigation on U.S. Patent Owners’ Enforcement Strategies
- Client alertOil and Gas Alert: Supreme Court of Ohio Rejects Implied Covenant to Explore Further in Oil and Gas Leases
- Client alertClient Alert: New Year Means Time to Revisit Your Data Incident Response Plan
- Client alertClient Alert: “Tax Reform” Highlights for Real Estate Businesses
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: NLRB’s Creation of New Standard for Employee Handbooks is a Present for Employers