- Client alertSecurities Alert: SEC Adopts T+2 Settlement Cycle for Securities Transactions
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Connecticut Supreme Court Clarifies the State’s Independent Contractor Test
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: In California, Commissioned Salespersons Must Get Separately Paid Rest Breaks
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: Republicans Release Plan to Replace Affordable Care Act: A Deeper Look into the Proposal
- Client alertClient Alert: Zook v. JPMorgan Chase Bank: Tenth District Rules that Trust Beneficiary Carries the Burden of Proving that a Trustee Release is Invalid
- Client alertClient Alert: Read This If You Operate a Website with User-Generated Content: Mandatory Registration of a Designated Agent
- Authored articleReforms Would Help Kids Turn Lives Around
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New York Update: Payroll Debit Card Rules Have Been Revoked, But New Pay Transparency Rules Are Adopted
- Client alertClient Alert: Republicans Release Plan to Replace Affordable Care Act
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Seattle Ensures Employees a ‘Secure Schedule’ and More Hours For Employees
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: ‘A Day Without a Woman’ May Bring Employers a Day Of Legal Troubles
- Client alertImmigration Alert: H-1B Premium Processing Temporarily Suspended Starting April 3, 2017
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: San Jose Ensures Part-Time Employees an 'Opportunity to Work'
- Client alertFinancial Services Alert: NY Cybersecurity Regulation in Effect – Covered Entities Have Initial 180 Day Transition Period to Comply
- Authored articleThe First Sale Doctrine and Establishing Legal Claims to Overcome It
- Authored articleTax Tips: Maximize Your Donations
- Authored articleHealth Informatics - Second Edition
- Authored articleWhitepaper: Consumer Class Actions Arising from Data Breaches Present a Battleground for Standing to Bring Suit
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: The Fourth Circuit Creates a New Test for Determining Joint Employment
- Authored articleHow Manufacturers and Brands Can Overcome Cybersquatting
- Authored articleIs Your Advertising Contract Worth the Paper It’s Written On?
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Missouri May Become a Right-To-Work State
- Client alertClient Alert: Smart TV Manufacturer to Pay $2.2 Million to Settle FTC Data Privacy Suit
- Client alertClient Alert: Is Your Marketing Services Agreement Really About Marketing? CFPB Takes Action Against Mortgage Lender, Mortgage Broker, And Mortgage Servicer For Illegal Kickback Scheme
- Client alertClient Alert: More Changes are Coming to Trademark Practice: Specimens and Declarations
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Ninth Circuit Prohibits Liability Waivers in Fair Credit Reporting Act Disclosures
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Federal Contractors Have an Updated Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability Form
- Client alertClient Alert: FTC Releases New Cross-Device Tracking Guidance
- Authored articleEnhanced Oil Recovery Credits and Marginal Well Production Credits: Potential Availability for 2016
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: SAMHSA Finalizes Changes to Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records Rule
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Philadelphia Bans Inquiries into Job Applicants’ Wage History
- Client alertImmigration Alert: Time to Prepare For April 1 H-1B Filings (2017)
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Massachusetts Trial Court Holds That On-Call Meal Periods Must Be Paid
- Client alertClient Alert: NIST Releases Draft Updates to Cybersecurity Framework
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: California Supreme Court Prohibits On-Call Rest Periods
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: The Cures Act Brings Some Relief to Site-Neutral Payment Changes, but Hospitals Must Act Now
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Employers Must Now Comply With Connecticut’s Ban-The-Box Law
- Authored articlePotential Tax Law Changes Could Present Rare Estate Planning Opportunities
- Authored articleWinter 2017Complications with Customer Communications in Context of Credit Conveyances (a/k/a Problems with Notices to Borrowers in Default or Bankruptcy When Loans or Servicing are Transferred)
- Authored articleWinter 2017EEOC Issues Expansive Enforcement Guidance on Retaliation
- Authored articleWinter 2017Standing In Consumer Finance Cases After Spokeo
- Authored articleWinter 2017Foreign Correspondent Banking - Regulators Encourage U.S. Banks to Keep Doing It, But Their Regulations Have Been Discouraging
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Kentucky Becomes a Right-To-Work State
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New York Raises the Salary Threshold for its Overtime Exemptions
- Authored articleConsumer Review Fairness Act Signed Into Law
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: A Flurry of Employee Benefit Guidance in the Closing Days of the Obama Administration
- Client alertClient Alert: Changes are Coming to Trademark Practice: New Fees and Rules
- Client alertState and Local Tax Alert: Lame Duck Economic Development Incentive Legislative Activity – DRD Update, TIF Opt-Out, CRA Remodeling Exemption Changes, and ORC Section 5709.87 Covenant Not to Sue Exemption Revisions
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Are Individually Designed Retirement Plans an Endangered Species? Impact of Changes to the IRS Determination Letter Program
- Client alertState and Local Tax Alert: New Property Tax Exemption Available for Commercial or Industrial Property Under Development